

  • Ana`s story draws parallels with the story of Horus from Egyptian mythology. During an altercation with a former friend (in this case, Widowmaker), she lost her eye. Additionally, both her and Pharah possess an eye of Horus tattoo.
  • Her voice actress is an Egyptian woman who was recorded from Cairo. The voice actress`s name, Aysha Selim, was not revealed until Sep. 29, 2016 in a reply on the official forums.
  • Ana was added to the PTR on Jul. 12, 2016. She was added to the live PCPersonal Computer version of the game on Jul. 19, 2016.



Ana`s versatile arsenal allows her to affect heroes all over the battlefield. Her Biotic Rifle Biotic Rifle Type Sniper rifle Designer Torbjörn Lindholm Owner Ana Amari The article focuses on the lore behind the weapon. For an Ana ability, see here. A prototype biotic rifle was designed by Torbjörn, with overwatch rounds and Biotic Grenades heal allies and damage or impair enemies; her sidearm tranquilizes key targets, and Nano Boost Ana "Never stop fighting for what you believe in." Real Name Ana Amari Other Names HorusShrike Status Active Age 60 Nationality Egyptian Occupation Sharpshooter (formerly)Overwatch second-in-command (formerly)Bounty hunter Base Cairo, Egypt Affiliation Egyptian security forces overwatch gives one of her comrades a considerable increase in power.



"Everyone must find their cause."

One of the founding members of Overwatch, Ana uses her skills and expertise to defend her home and the people she cares for. Hailing from a long line of decorated soldiers, Ana inspired confidence and loyalty in her colleagues and endowed her daughter, Fareeha Amari ⃢₀ₔ Pharah Pharah "I will protect the innocent." Real Name Fareeha Amari Age 32 Nationality Egyptian Occupation Security Chief Base Giza, Egypt Affiliation Egyptian Army (formerly)Helix Security International Relations Ana Amari (mother) Voice Jen Cohn (English) Ethel overwatch , with an intense sense of duty and honor. Like her daughter, she bore a tattoo of an Eye of Horus as a symbol of protection. Likewise, her callsign in the Egyptian Military during the Omnic Crisis was "Horus."

Ana is regarded as one of the world`s deadliest snipers. She originally used a Kinamura Type Sniper rifle Owner Ana Amari (formerly) The Kinamura is a type of sniper rifle. It is equipped with a scope, and can fire .338 rounds. It s accurate up to 2000 meters, with a bullet overwatch rifle, upon which she added a notch for every life she took. Each life weighed heavily on her conscience, and while some snipers preferred to wound targets, in order to lure out more potential targets, she preferred to perform clean kills, disliking causing needless suffering. Her right eye, originally cybernetic, made her vision six times greater than normal, to the extent where she rarely even needed to use the scope.


Biotic Rifle Biotic Rifle Type Sniper rifle Designer Torbjörn Lindholm Owner Ana Amari The article focuses on the lore behind the weapon. For an Ana ability, see here. A prototype biotic rifle was designed by Torbjörn, with overwatch


Icon Stats Official Description

Linear projectile (unscoped)
Hitscan (scoped)
Projectile speed
85.5 meters per second (unscoped)
Rate of fire
1.2 rounds per second
Reload time
1.5 seconds
Casting time
0.25 seconds scoping in
0.16 seconds scoping out
0.9 second effect

Ana’s rifle shoots darts that can restore health to her allies or deal ongoing damage to her enemies. She can use the rifle’s scope to zoom in on targets and make highly accurate shots. While Ana does relatively less damage compared to other snipers, the Biotic Rifle allows Ana to switch back and forth from the roles of combatant to healer.

"0.25 seconds scoping in
0.16 seconds scoping out" cannot be used as a page name in this wiki.

Sleep Dart Ana "Never stop fighting for what you believe in." Real Name Ana Amari Other Names HorusShrike Status Active Age 60 Nationality Egyptian Occupation Sharpshooter (formerly)Overwatch second-in-command (formerly)Bounty hunter Base Cairo, Egypt Affiliation Egyptian security forces overwatch


Icon Stats Official Description

Linear Projectile
5.5 seconds
0.5 seconds (interrupted)
12 seconds

Ana fires a dart from her sidearm, rendering an enemy unconscious (though any damage will rouse them).

Biotic Grenade Ana "Never stop fighting for what you believe in." Real Name Ana Amari Other Names HorusShrike Status Active Age 60 Nationality Egyptian Occupation Sharpshooter (formerly)Overwatch second-in-command (formerly)Bounty hunter Base Cairo, Egypt Affiliation Egyptian security forces overwatch


Icon Stats Official Description

Arcing Projectile
Blocks healing taken
100 health
+50% healing from other sources
Area of effect
4 meters
4 seconds
10 seconds

Ana tosses a biotic bomb that deals damage to enemies and heals allies in a small area of effect. Affected allies briefly receive increased healing from all sources, while enemies caught in the blast cannot be healed for a few moments.


  • Boosted allies receive 50% additional healing.
  • "Healing from other sources" includes health packs.

Nano Boost Ana "Never stop fighting for what you believe in." Real Name Ana Amari Other Names HorusShrike Status Active Age 60 Nationality Egyptian Occupation Sharpshooter (formerly)Overwatch second-in-command (formerly)Bounty hunter Base Cairo, Egypt Affiliation Egyptian security forces overwatch

Ultimate Ability

Icon Stats Official Description

Targeted Hitscan
Dmg. reduction
8 seconds
Charge required
1650 points

After Ana hits one of her allies with a combat boost, they deal more damage and take less damage from enemies’ attacks.



"Never stop fighting for what you believe in."

Real Name
Ana Amari
Other Names
Sharpshooter (formerly)
Overwatch second-in-command (formerly)
Bounty hunter
Cairo, Egypt Egypt Location Northeast Africa Terrain Desert Egypt is a country located in northern Africa. Contents 1 History 2 Known Locations 3 Known Nationals 4 Trivia 5 References History edit | edit source] Poverty in Egypt overwatch
Egyptian security forces (formerly)
Overwatch See the in-game organization. For the article about the game, see Overwatch. "Conflict. As the world teetered on the brink of anarchy, a new hope arose. An elite international taskforce charged with overwatch (formerly)
Fareeha Amari Pharah "I will protect the innocent." Real Name Fareeha Amari Age 32 Nationality Egyptian Occupation Security Chief Base Giza, Egypt Affiliation Egyptian Army (formerly)Helix Security International Relations Ana Amari (mother) Voice Jen Cohn (English) Ethel overwatch (daughter)
Aysha Selim This article is a stub. You can help Overwatch Wiki by expanding it. Aysha Selim is a voice actor, and provides the voice of Ana in Overwatch. NewPP limit report Cached time: 20170625001517 Cache expiry: 86400 (English)

Marie Vincent (French)
Elisabetta Cesone (Italian)
Yoshiko Sakakibara (Japanese)
ℂ₂ngela Bonatti (Brazilan Portuguese)
Andrea Coto (American Spanish)

Cosmetic page Contents 1 Gallery description 2 Skins 2.1 Skin descriptions 3 Victory Poses 4 Emotes 5 Sprays 6 Highlight Intros Gallery description edit | edit source] Former second in command of Overwatch, Ana Amari uses her overwatch
Quotation page Contents 1 Abilities 2 Chatter 3 Call-Outs 4 Mission-Specific 5 Eliminations 6 Communication 7 Voice Lines 8 Interactions 9 Map-Specific 10 Skin-Specific Abilities edit | edit source] Ability Quote Audio Biotic Rifle I have your overwatch
Character Video

Ana is a Support Each hero fills a different role in Overwatch. Roles in Overwatch are loosely defined, and heroes can fulfill a role not designated for them. Roles, as they exist, are designed to help players identify which overwatch hero See playable characters. For the animated short, see Hero. All of the heroes, as of 2015 There are currently 24 playable hero characters in Overwatch. Each fits into one of four roles overwatch in Overwatch See the in-game organization. For the article about the game, see Overwatch. "Conflict. As the world teetered on the brink of anarchy, a new hope arose. An elite international taskforce charged with overwatch .


Ana is a mid to long-range Support sniper, capable of healing at any range while also maintaining a fair level of damage output. Her Biotic Grenade lets her amplify healing effects from not only her own healing darts but also from other Supports and environmental healing, such as Payloads and Health packs. She has a sidearm which will fire a Sleep Dart, which can render the enemy who`s hit with it temporary useless unless someone wakes them up. Nano Boost is a supportive ultimate that is used to provide strong buffs to an ally, allowing them to deal more damage while taking less damage from the enemy. She can also be an anti-healer as her Biotic Grenade will prevent enemies hit by the blast from getting healed in any way, making her an outstanding support. Ana lacks all source of mobility and only has her sidearm to protect herself, making it easy for her to be outflanked by the flankers as well as other mobile heroes.

Weapons & Abilities

  • Biotic Rifle Biotic Rifle Type Sniper rifle Designer Torbjörn Lindholm Owner Ana Amari The article focuses on the lore behind the weapon. For an Ana ability, see here. A prototype biotic rifle was designed by Torbjörn, with overwatch : Ana`s primary weapon. It carries ten rounds in a single clip and is able to affect both teams, healing allies for 75 @@@#@@@HP( and dealing 60 damage to enemies. It comes equipped with a scope which increases Ana`s range at the sacrifice of vision of her surroundings. The rounds fired from the Biotic Rifle change behavior depending on the use of the scope. While unscoped, the darts are considered fast-moving projectiles. While scoped, the darts are considered hitscan and reveal a bullet tail.
    • Ana`s rifle is unique in that it deals its damage and heals in rapid segments, rather than all at once. As it deals 4 rapid segment within 1 shot, it is less effective against armored-heroes.
    • The healing segments will continue to heal shortly after a teammate gets shot, allowing for one to fire in anticipation to damage and still heal.
    • Even though it is a sniper-rifle weapon, it can`t deal a critical shot.

General Strategies

  • While Ana has reasonable to outstanding damage capabilities like other damage dealers, she is unable to deal any critical shots and suffers from low mobility. You must focus on healing your allies rather than playing like DPS-heroes; you can`t act like them well on your own.
  • Even Ana can provide more healing than other supports due to her fast fire-rate and Biotic Grenade. Playing her as a sole support will lead the enemy to prioritize you as the first target. So pairing with the other supports should be recommended.
  • Ana is a sniper class, which is deadly at attacking the enemy from extreme range. You can kite the enemy that your teammates can`t attack back like rivaled snipers or airborne targets with ease. Keep in mind that you can`t deal a critical shot nor heavy damage that will put them in lethal levels instantly, so try to stay in cover or a friendly`s barrier.
  • Biotic Grenade is a strong counter to all healing effects; such as Roadhog`s Take a Breather, Zenyatta`s Transcendence or even an opposing Ana`s Biotic Grenade. You can throw the grenade directly to the enemy and contact your teammates to gang up on the effected target as they can`t be healed.
  • Missing a Sleep Dart to flankers will result in your disadvantage. Try to practice your aim and adjusting the dart`s speed.
  • Ana has a combo on her own with Sleep Dart. If you can hit the enemy with Sleep Dart, shoot the enemy with dart and throw a Biotic Grenade and then melee attack. Even if the enemy survives, you will have an upper hand in any subsequent match.
  • A target under the effect from Sleep Dart will be rendered useless and unable to make any actions. If your combo can`t finish the target, communicate your team to do so. Reinhardt`s Charge is a great choice to finish the target if he doesn`t need to cover your team with barrier at that time.
  • Don`t let the other teammates interfere in your line-of-sight while activating Nano Boost on the target. You have to communicate with your teammates to whom you will give the ultimate and always have space in your line-of-sight, so you can avoid giving Nano Boost to a wrong target that can`t bring your ultimate to any usefulness, such as Lℂ⅟cio or Mercy.
  • The common targets for your Nano Boost should be damage dealers rather than tanks. While boosting tanks will give them a better chance of surviving and greatly increase their damage, you will force them to move out of their position to attack the enemy, in order to not waste the damage buff gains from Nano Boost.
  • Even though the Nano Boosted-hero will take less damage by 50%, the effected hero can still die if the enemies are focusing on the boosted-hero. Try to heal the boosted-hero continuously, so that they won`t die in the most important engagement.
  • As Ana can both heal allies and damage enemies, along with Biotic Grenade`s amplifying healing; she can gain the ultimate charge quickly, so you can use the Nano Boost on your target to push or to defend depending on the situations much faster than other healers.


As the Omnic Crisis For the graphic novel of the same name, see Overwatch: The Omnic Crisis Omnic Crisis Type Global human-omnic conflict Location Global Outcome Human victory The Omnic Crisis was a rebellion by the omnics against their overwatch inflicted a heavy toll on Egypt Egypt Location Northeast Africa Terrain Desert Egypt is a country located in northern Africa. Contents 1 History 2 Known Locations 3 Known Nationals 4 Trivia 5 References History edit | edit source] Poverty in Egypt overwatch , the country`s depleted and undermanned security forces relied on elite snipers for support. Among them was Ana Amari, who was widely considered to be the world`s best. Her superior marksmanship, decision-making, and instincts made her a natural selection to join the Overwatch See the in-game organization. For the article about the game, see Overwatch. "Conflict. As the world teetered on the brink of anarchy, a new hope arose. An elite international taskforce charged with overwatch strike team, of which she was one of the founding members. Overwatch successfully ended the war. At some point in time, she met the wife of fellow agent G⃩rard Lacroix Gérard Lacroix Gérard s grave Status Deceased Nationality French Affiliation Overwatch Relations Amélie Lacroix (wife) Gérard Lacroix was an Overwatch agent who spearheaded operations against Talon. 1] Talon made several unsuccessful attempts to assassinate him, before overwatch , Am⃩lie Lacroix. Two weeks after Am⃩lie was rescued by Overwatch from being kidnapped, G⃩rard was killed and Am⃩lie was believed to have been kidnapped once again.

Following the success of Overwatch`s original mission, Ana served for many years as Strike Commander Jack Morrison Soldier: 76 "We re all soldiers now." Real Name Jack Morrison Age Unknown Nationality American Occupation Soldier (formerly)Overwatch commander (formerly)Vigilante Base Bloomington, Indiana, United States (birth place) 1] Unknown Affiliation United States military (formerly)Overwatch (formerly) Voice overwatch `s second-in-command. She raised her daughter, Fareeha, during this time, instructing her in martial arts. Despite her responsibilities in leading the organization, Ana refused to step away from combat operations. She was aware of her daughter`s desire to join Overwatch herself, but Ana was against it. This led to a strained relationship between mother and daughter. She remained on active duty well into her fifties, and was stationed at Watchpoint: Gibraltar at some point.

Seven years before the present day, during the King`s Row Uprising King s Row Type Hybrid (Assault, then Escort) Location England Terrain Narrow, cobblestone streets King s Row is a Hybrid map, starting with Assault and leading into Escort. It is a map set at night in winding overwatch , Ana gave status updates to the four Overwatch agents in the field, who were engaged in an unsanctioned Overwatch mission to end the crisis in London London is the capital of the United Kingdom. Its King s Row neighborhood has some of the highest human-omnic tensions in the world. History edit | edit source] Omnics in the United Kingdom are treated as , England “ If you ask me, the Brits have their heads on straight! Omnic rights? Pah! „ ~ Torbjörn United Kingdom Location Western Europe Terrain Various The United Kingdom is a west European country. Contents 1 overwatch .

Ana`s last mission was an anti- Talon Talon Type Terrorist group Standing Active Talon is a terrorist organization. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Actions 1.2 The Train Job 1.3 Recall 1.4 Alive 1.5 Ilios 1.6 Volskaya Industries 2 Known Members 3 Videos overwatch operation conducted by Overwatch, part of a force led by Jack Morrison Soldier: 76 "We re all soldiers now." Real Name Jack Morrison Age Unknown Nationality American Occupation Soldier (formerly)Overwatch commander (formerly)Vigilante Base Bloomington, Indiana, United States (birth place) 1] Unknown Affiliation United States military (formerly)Overwatch (formerly) Voice overwatch which rescued a number of scientists that Talon had taken hostage. While Overwatch was successful in this regard, the Talon operative known as Widowmaker Widowmaker "One shot, one kill." Real Name Amélie Lacroix Age 33 Nationality French Occupation Assassin Base Annecy, France Affiliation Talon Relations Gérard Lacroix (husband, deceased) Voice Chloe Hollings (English and French) Francesca Perilli (Italian)Shizuka Itô overwatch was able to take out a number of agents. The operation led to a sniper duel between her and Ana, as they made their way throughout the urban terrain. Ana was able to temporarily incapacitate Widowmaker, hitting her in her helmet. But upon seeing Widowmaker`s face, she froze, recognizing her as Am⃩lie. It was all the time Widowmaker needed to take her own shot, shooting Ana through the scope of her rifle and into her right eye. It was believed that the shot killed her.

In truth, Ana survived that encounter, despite being gravely wounded and losing the eye. The world believed that she was dead. During her recovery, she wrestled with the weight of a life spent in combat, and she chose to stay out of the world`s growing conflicts. Be that as it may, as time passed, she realized she could not sit on the sidelines while people threatened her city and the innocents around her. Thus, Ana rejoined the fight to protect her country from the forces that would destabilize it, and most importantly, to keep her family and her closest allies safe. She wrote a letter to her daughter, explaining her absence.

Bounty Hunter

⃢₀ₜ I don`t care about your war, but I do care about you. You need me, Jack. You need someone to watch your back. ⃢₀₞
~ Ana to Jack Morrison
Ana, now the masked vigilante known as Shrike

Continuing her fight for justice, Ana operated under the alias of "Shrike," and was wanted for espionage, assault, and theft in Egypt Egypt Location Northeast Africa Terrain Desert Egypt is a country located in northern Africa. Contents 1 History 2 Known Locations 3 Known Nationals 4 Trivia 5 References History edit | edit source] Poverty in Egypt overwatch . She used the Necropolis This article is a stub. You can help Overwatch Wiki by expanding it. Necropolis Type Arena Location Egypt Necropolis is an Arena map in Overwatch. It is a nighttime map set outside the Temple of Anubis. overwatch as her base of operations. Disguised as a masked bounty hunter, Ana sabotaged several Talon Talon Type Terrorist group Standing Active Talon is a terrorist organization. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Actions 1.2 The Train Job 1.3 Recall 1.4 Alive 1.5 Ilios 1.6 Volskaya Industries 2 Known Members 3 Videos overwatch operations in Egypt, drawing attention from Reaper Reaper "Death walks among you." Real Name Gabriel Reyes Age Unknown Nationality American Occupation Mercenary Base Unknown Affiliation United States military (formerly)Overwatch (formerly)Various, including Talon (mercenary status) Voice Keith Ferguson (English) Jérémie Covillault (French)Oliviero Corbetta overwatch and his associate Hakim Hakim Nationality Egyptian Base Giza, Egypt Affiliation Talon (associate) Hakim is a criminal with ties to Talon who operates out of a compound in Giza, Egypt. Story edit | edit source] Hakim provided Reaper with overwatch , as well as Jack Morrison Soldier: 76 "We re all soldiers now." Real Name Jack Morrison Age Unknown Nationality American Occupation Soldier (formerly)Overwatch commander (formerly)Vigilante Base Bloomington, Indiana, United States (birth place) 1] Unknown Affiliation United States military (formerly)Overwatch (formerly) Voice overwatch . The conflict came to a head when Ana and Morrison were lured into a trap at Hakim`s compound in Giza, leading to a battle between the three former comrades. Though Ana sided with Jack and forced Reaper to retreat after unmasking him, she was disturbed by his visage and parting words, reminding her that Overwatch had been responsible for their suffering. Following the encounter Ana explained that she cared about Jack, not the war he was fighting, and resolved to watch over him as the two departed.


This article is a stub.⃂You can help Overwatch Wiki by expanding it.


Name Icon Description Reward
Interrupt an enemy Ultimate Ability with Ana`s Sleep Dart Ana "Never stop fighting for what you believe in." Real Name Ana Amari Other Names HorusShrike Status Active Age 60 Nationality Egyptian Occupation Sharpshooter (formerly)Overwatch second-in-command (formerly)Bounty hunter Base Cairo, Egypt Affiliation Egyptian security forces overwatch in Quick or Competitive play.
Get 4 kills or assists with a single use of Ana`s Nano Boost Ana "Never stop fighting for what you believe in." Real Name Ana Amari Other Names HorusShrike Status Active Age 60 Nationality Egyptian Occupation Sharpshooter (formerly)Overwatch second-in-command (formerly)Bounty hunter Base Cairo, Egypt Affiliation Egyptian security forces overwatch in Quick or Competitive play.


Ana was the first hero added to the game after its launch. Her development grew from a prototype support character called the Alchemist, who could heal allies and damage enemies by throwing potion vials. When it was decided that Ana Amari would be a playable character, the team took to the idea of her being a support sniper in order to distinguish her from Widowmaker Widowmaker "One shot, one kill." Real Name Amélie Lacroix Age 33 Nationality French Occupation Assassin Base Annecy, France Affiliation Talon Relations Gérard Lacroix (husband, deceased) Voice Chloe Hollings (English and French) Francesca Perilli (Italian)Shizuka Itô overwatch and incorporated elements of the Alchemist`s kit into her design, building upon the biotic technology used by Mercy and Soldier: 76.citation⃂needed Prior to being revealed, it was widely speculated that Ana and Sombra were the same character, resulting from the photographs of her Shrike mask being misidentified as Sombra.

Several PR assets on Blizzard`s press center website for Ana are labeled "Shrike" instead of "Ana", suggesting that her placeholder name during development was Shrike. The name Shrike was used for one of her epic skins, in which she wears a mask previously seen in pre-release easter eggs.

Ana was teased on Temple of Anubis, with an opened document picturing her wearing her Shrike mask. Her scope could be seen being worked on in a GameSpot video. Also in the video was an early prototype with a modified Widowmaker model seen in the character selection screen, in the support section.



Jan. 24th, 2017

Hero Balance Update
  • Biotic Grenade
    • Effect duration has been reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds
    • Healing boost on allies has been decreased by 50%
Developer Comments
The healing boost from Ana⃢₀ₙs Biotic Grenade was providing too much healing, especially when used on targets with large health pools.

Nov. 30th, 2016

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ana from being selected in 1v1 matches

Nov. 15th, 2016

Hero Balance Change;
  • Dealing damage to things other than players (like Torbj⃶rn`s turret or Symmetra`s teleporter) no longer charges ultimate abilities
  • Ultimate costs have been increased by 25% for all heroes
Developer Comment
Game-changing ultimate abilities were coming up a bit too frequently. This change helps keep them in check while still allowing them to be powerful.
  • Nano Boost
    • No longer increases move speed
Developer Comment
The increased speed from Ana’s Nano Boost made the ability feel unstoppable and forced Ana players to select targets that could really take advantage of the speed boost. Removing the speed boost means that Ana has a reason to apply Nano Boost to a larger variety of heroes, and enemies can fend off the attack more easily.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ana’s healing stats from showing up in the Career Profile page
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Ana’s custom crosshairs from displaying while zoomed

Oct. 19th, 2016

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue preventing Ana⃢₀ₙs Nano Boost callouts from being heard by the enemy team

Oct. 11th, 2016

General Update
  • Heroes hit by Ana`s Nano Boost have a new voice line that informs other players
Hero Balance Updates
  • Nano Boost
    • Ultimate cost has been increased by 20%
  • Biotic Grenade
    • Radius has been increased from 3 to 4 meters
Developer Comments
So far, we haven`t seen any indication that Ana is too strong overall, but her ultimate charges a little too fast, especially considering the impact it can have on a match. Also, her Biotic Grenades are getting a small boost to help her hit multiple targets.

Sep. 30th, 2016

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that allowed the payload to heal players, even when they were negatively affected by Ana’s Biotic Grenade
  • Fixed a bug preventing the health bars on the Practice Range bots from displaying the effects of Ana’s Biotic Grenade
  • Smoothed the animation during Ana’s zoom-release transition

Sep. 1st, 2016

General Updates
  • When activating the "Needs healing" communication while targeting a teammate, Ana, L⃺cio, Mercy, and Zenyatta will now tell allies to group up to receive healing. A marker will also appear above the player`s head, allowing teammates to locate the healer more quickly
Bug Fixes;
  • Fixed a bug in the Custom Game settings preventing the Ability Cooldown modifier from affecting Ana
  • Appropriate sound effects now play when Ana shoots barriers, shields, and armor
  • Ana’s scope now correctly displays all custom reticle options
  • Ana’s attacks and abilities now activate the controller’s rumble function

Aug. 2, 2016

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue hindering Ana from restoring allies to full health

Jul. 26, 2016

Hero Balance Updates
  • Biotic Rifle
    • Rate of fire increased by 20%
    • Magazine size increased from 8 to 10
Developer Comments
While Ana has been very well received, she was showing to be a little bit weaker overall. In addition to helping her feel better to play, these changes should also increase her healing and damage output.
Bug Fixes;

Jul. 21, 2016

Bug Fixes
  • The correct hit pip sound will now play whenever one of Ana⃢₀ₙs darts impact with a barrier
  • All of Ana⃢₀ₙs in-game sounds now have proper occlusion

Jul. 19, 2016

Patch Features

Ana portrait.png New Hero: Ana ( Support Each hero fills a different role in Overwatch. Roles in Overwatch are loosely defined, and heroes can fulfill a role not designated for them. Roles, as they exist, are designed to help players identify which overwatch )
After being out of the fight for several years, one of Overwatch See the in-game organization. For the article about the game, see Overwatch. "Conflict. As the world teetered on the brink of anarchy, a new hope arose. An elite international taskforce charged with overwatch `s founding members is returning. Introducing Ana — a battle-scarred veteran who supports her teammates from a distance using a unique and highly specialized collection of weapons.

Ana’s primary weapon is her Biotic Rifle Biotic Rifle Type Sniper rifle Designer Torbjörn Lindholm Owner Ana Amari The article focuses on the lore behind the weapon. For an Ana ability, see here. A prototype biotic rifle was designed by Torbjörn, with overwatch , which fires long-range darts that can restore the health of her allies or deal ongoing damage to her enemies. Meanwhile, her Biotic Grenade Ana "Never stop fighting for what you believe in." Real Name Ana Amari Other Names HorusShrike Status Active Age 60 Nationality Egyptian Occupation Sharpshooter (formerly)Overwatch second-in-command (formerly)Bounty hunter Base Cairo, Egypt Affiliation Egyptian security forces overwatch is perfect for a close-quarters clash, simultaneously healing teammates and injuring foes caught in its small area of effect. (Affected allies will also receive a temporary increase to all incoming healing, while affected enemies can’t be healed for a few moments.) And if the battle starts to get out of hand, Ana`s sidearm can fire a Sleep Dart Ana "Never stop fighting for what you believe in." Real Name Ana Amari Other Names HorusShrike Status Active Age 60 Nationality Egyptian Occupation Sharpshooter (formerly)Overwatch second-in-command (formerly)Bounty hunter Base Cairo, Egypt Affiliation Egyptian security forces overwatch , knocking her adversaries unconscious.

Plus, Ana`s ultimate ability, Nano Boost Ana "Never stop fighting for what you believe in." Real Name Ana Amari Other Names HorusShrike Status Active Age 60 Nationality Egyptian Occupation Sharpshooter (formerly)Overwatch second-in-command (formerly)Bounty hunter Base Cairo, Egypt Affiliation Egyptian security forces overwatch , empowers one of her teammates, granting faster movement, increased damage, and resistance to enemy attacks.

To learn more about Ana, click here.

General Updates
  • Added Ana as an AI-controlled hero in Practice vs. AI, Play vs. AI, and Custom Game modes


Biotic Rifle
Ability: Weapon
Affects: Enemies, Allies
Ana’s rifle shoots darts that can restore health to her allies or deal ongoing damage to her enemies. She can use the rifle’s scope to zoom in on targets and make highly accurate shots.
Rate of Fire:
Reload Time:
Sleep Dart
Ability: Cooldown
Affects: Enemies
Ana fires a dart from her sidearm, rendering an enemy unconscious (though any damage will rouse them).
₠5.5 seconds
Biotic Grenade
Ability: Cooldown
Affects: Enemies, Allies
Ana tosses a biotic bomb that deals damage to enemies and heals allies in a small area of effect. Affected allies briefly receive increased healing from all sources, while enemies caught in the blast cannot be healed for a few moments.
Healing amplification:
₠+100% from other sources.
₠5 seconds
₠4 meters
Nano Boost
Ability: Ultimate
Affects: Allies
After Ana hits one of her allies with a combat boost, they temporarily deal more damage and take less damage from enemies’ attacks.
Damage Reduction:
Charge Required:
₠1100 points

Version History