Adjacent Hearthstone


Explosive Shot (Explosive Shot) Hearthstone

Explosive Shot Set: Classic Type: Spell Class: Hunter Rarity: Rare Cost: 5 Abilities: Deal damage Tags: Positional effect Deal 5 damage to a minion and 2 damage to adjacent ones.Pull the pin, count to 5,
Flametongue Totem (Flametongue Totem) Hearthstone

Flametongue Totem Set: Basic Type: Minion Subtype: Totem Class: Shaman Cost: 2 Attack: 0 Health: 3 Tags: Ongoing effect, Positional effect Adjacent minions have +2 Attack.Totemsmiths like to use the rarest woods for their totems.
Sunfury Protector (Sunfury Protector) Hearthstone

Sunfury Protector Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Rare Cost: 2 Attack: 2 Health: 3 Abilities: Battlecry Tags: Positional effect, Taunt-granting Battlecry: Give adjacent minions Taunt.She carries a shield, but only so she can give it
OLDN3wb Healer (OLDN3wb Healer) Hearthstone

OLDN3wb HealerFile:OLDN3wb Healer(22404).png Set: Cheat Type: Minion Cost: 1 Attack: 1 Health: 1 Tags: Positional effect, Triggered effect At the end of your turn, heal 2 damage from adjacent minions.See this card on Hearthpwn data
Grievous Bite (Grievous Bite) Hearthstone

Grievous Bite Set: Journey to Un Goro Type: Spell Class: Hunter Rarity: Common Cost: 2 Abilities: Deal damage Tags: Positional effect Deal 2 damage to a minion and 1 damage to adjacent ones.Ooh. I ll have a
Meteor (Meteor) Hearthstone

Meteor Set: Journey to Un Goro Type: Spell Class: Mage Rarity: Epic Cost: 6 Abilities: Deal damage Tags: Positional effect Deal 15 damage to a minion and 3 damage to adjacent ones.When you absolutely, positively, have
Ancient Mage (Ancient Mage) Hearthstone

Ancient Mage Set: Classic Type: Minion Rarity: Rare Cost: 4 Attack: 2 Health: 5 Abilities: Battlecry, Spell Damage Tags: Positional effect Battlecry: Give adjacent minions Spell Damage +1.Sometimes he forgets and just wanders into someone
Betrayal (Betrayal) Hearthstone

Betrayal Set: Classic Type: Spell Class: Rogue Rarity: Common Cost: 2 Abilities: Deal damage Tags: Attack-related, Positional effect Force an enemy minion to deal its damage to the minions next to it.Everyone has a price.
Magnataur Alpha (Magnataur Alpha) Hearthstone

Magnataur Alpha Set: The Grand Tournament Type: Minion Class: Warrior Rarity: Epic Cost: 4 Attack: 5 Health: 3 Abilities: Deal damage Tags: Attack-related, Positional effect, Triggered effect Also damages the minions next to whomever he
Foe Reaper 4000 (Foe Reaper 4000) Hearthstone

Foe Reaper 4000 Set: Goblins vs Gnomes Type: Minion Subtype: Mech Rarity: Legendary Cost: 8 Attack: 6 Health: 9 Abilities: Deal damage Tags: Attack-related, Positional effect, Triggered effect Also damages the minions next to whomever